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  • horn gore: excessively or violently bullish, charts make a parabola tracing the shape of bovine horns with sharpened peaks. Horn gore can be used as a verb, adjective, or noun.
  • e-x-t'd: this stands for extended release, as in orange pill extended release. Getting ext'd would be a bitcoiner of sound mind that suddenly realizes they've been wrong or blind to something important after confrontation in an article they read, or a humbling experience they have with a bitcoin Chad; it could be an event they witnessed as well, or podcast galaxy mind fuck
  • specubyte: it's pronounced spek-ū-bite, and sounds like a gambling unit or new malware; in some telling it's both, referring to anyone that cares nothing about bitcoin beyond price exposure and speculation. You'll find them happy with custodial-only services, towing the bitcoin Twitter line, and boasting of their GlassNode subscription
  • value encoding: inscribing the atomic unit (sat) with data. We use this euphemism to circumvent the wrath of Darthcoin et al when discussing ordinal theory and other unintended behaviors enabled by taproot
  • call sign: typically refers to a broadcast of messages or code words; in our case however, this is whatever your Stacker.News lightning name is. Mine for example is fowl-based: @mallardshead. Words like username or handle belong to Reddit, Twitter, and banks
  • keyframe: this is originally an Adobe word used in video editing, and simply means the events in a specific in and out point of time. A window of time, a specific period of time—a keyframe
I hope to see these words used with more regularity amongst stackers. When I do, it's Pavlov's Airdrop time ⚡️. Please leave any new words below you might have to add⤵
You’re proposing these terms, or propagating their usage? I don’t think I’ve seen any of these uses before?
😁 a little bit of both. Just use one in your next reply and watch the says rain