How can the ability to earn (and keep earning) the daily yield be explained to someone not already familiar with SN?
The post on Daily earning says this:
SN release: daily earning AKA yield #15045
[Paraphrased: SN pays the best users, proportional to how well they're trusted.]
But what is trust? If I only upvote, do I gain any trust? If I only comment, do I gain trust?
Further details on that from that post:
Right now, trust is kind of a blunt measure. Many users are maximally trusted, but over the next week we'll be adjusting the trust metric to take into account how recently users have been trusted. That way, users who were most recently providing value are trusted more and earn more.
From that, I still couldn't answer my question.
So, I guess what I am asking is ... someone who wants to earn on SN. What do they need to do? (i.e., being more specific than just "contribute" and "become trusted").
Sorry, the trust algo is a moving target that is going to be very subject to radicle change over time. As I said, trust is a blunt measure currently and while it works kind of well, it stills need a lot of tuning, e.g. we have users who manage multiple accounts (which is fine) but upvote their own questionable content (not fine ... they are stealing everyone's attention).
So, I can only communicate the goal of the algo: users who provide value (ie contribute valuable things to the community) get trusted over time, users who distract or harm the value of the site get untrusted.