Great post! Definitely resourceful, thank you. I did have a question about Azteco. Did they pull out of the US? I've been looking for their vendor map and can't find it. I loved when I could just go to one and pay cash for a voucher. Is this no longer the case for the US? Even when I go online, everything seems to be priced in euros.
Thank you. I'm not in the US either, so don't have first hand experience but their website has no mention of the US at all. So maybe they don't operate there. You can transact with a vendor anywhere in the world if you do it online, but in person they have to be in the same location. was my preferred KYC free option until I tried Robosats. Seriously, give it a go if you haven't.
They must have stopped operating here than. I'm in the US and when the first started, they were here. I wonder what happened!? Either way, I'll check out Robosats. Thanks!