disagree with this logic. opening up another vector for storing data onchain just allows for super special stamp-ordinal-bullshit grift to be re-introduced.
this will not reduce spam. it may increase it.
I never said it would reduce spam.
well at the very least you stated it wouldn't make it worse since everyone is already at the party, which i disagree with. This can start a new party next door, where people from the old party just move to this one for novelty sake, and you get the whole phenomenon happening all over again with the same degens in a new frat house.
We don't meaningfully disagree. I said it wouldn't make it worse if everyone is already at the party. If everyone is at the party it's not clear to me this increases degeneracy.
I don't have a dog in this fight.
Is everyone already at the party though?
The whole argument for or against this change depends on this question imo and I think it's reasonable to assume everyone is not at the party.
Also to inject more nuance (... continuing to not have an opinion one way or another), in some cases prohibiting something increases the number of people doing it.
All fair. but in my experience, prohibition has more blowback if that prohibition comes post a phenomenon.
this current prohibition/limit has been in place for years, prior the current phenomenon, and for good reason(s) that I'm not sure have ceased yet.
there's other dynamics too. fucking icebergs man.