There is ways to raise the cost on such behavior.
fees went up by 100x and inscriptions still dominated transaction volume. it is already expensive. The only way to make it more expensive it to reduce/remove the witness discount which would make the incentives worse
debatable, and it's not just inscriptions, but stamps and other bs.
removing the witness discount makes stamps and inscriptions the same price which would be very bad, it is much better that inscriptions are cheaper
somewhat agree, which is why I'm not suggesting the discount would be removed, but perhaps reduced from 4X to 2X and/or targeted at OP FALSE. The costs for all of these exotic forms of arbitrary data storage can be increased with more targeted policy and maybe soft-forks...
starting with the low hanging fruit, like bare multisig and related policy is an easy enough "fix".
look, we are in sunday, but if blocks are confirmed faster they broadcast more transactions, its like someone have a script running that will never allow the mempool to clear.
if someone wants to pay all those transaction fees, be my guest
I notice when the miners are not finding blocks, the spam of transactions slow down. When the miners start finding a bunch of blocks, the spam of transaction spike up. I'm almost sure that someone knows what he is doing. (filling up the blockchain the cheapest way possible).