This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
happiness is a muscle and you strengthen it by making sacrifices
sacrifice is the antidote to fear
This song is so underrated. Melody lyrics it’s soild!
Back to work. Looking to crush life this week and learn more about Bitcoin!
Two days off this week before I start the new job. My old shipyard hired me on as a marine electrician. They only created the position after I had left, otherwise I might have stayed and attempted to get that position. On the other hand, had I stayed I wouldn't have had the last several months of actually working as a marine electrician. I feel more confidence in my capability and potential than I did when I left the shipyard in February. Other than that, yesterday we held Bitcoin Brunch #114 in Miami. We had two new participants, a bunch of regulars, and one person we hadn't seen since last year! We also had a local artist set up near up, offering $10 art lessons, accepting bitcoin.
When did this new comment blue square and the highlighting of the comments come out? Looks really nice!
I did that yesterday cause why not
I think @nout suggested this like a year ago
Looks cool 👍
Im starting to think the candy industry is more evil than the smoking industry. I mean the smoking industry never tried to market their products to children? Where as the candy industry is all over them
How about candy marketed as breakfast cereal? Breakfast, the "most important meal of the day". Check out this recent entry into the market - Kit Kat cereal:
"You have officially been given permission to have candy for breakfast.
Hitting store shelves this May, new General Mills Kit Kat cereal is made to taste just like the candy bar, which, if you’ve never had one, is essentially a crispy wafer covered in milk chocolate."
And Kit Kat cereal is just one of many candy cereals, there's Reese's Pieces cereal, Sour Patch Kids cereal, Herschey's Kisses cereal.
I avoid all processed foods, and cook at home from ingredients. And occasional restaurant meals just for sociability.
I think that KitKat if it was just like a bread thing with chocolate it would not be bad. But it's when sugar gets added it gets bad. Candy is mostly sugar AFAIK, chocolate bars r not and could actually be healthy in smaller amounts. But I could be wrong.
the main ingredient is fructose-glucose syrup, it's not food
don't kid yourself that tobacco isn't targeted to children
Day 114 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k. __@_'-'
you da man!
Gotta love the snail!