Hello fellow stackers. I am looking for ideas on how I can personally participate more in the bitcoin economy. I was hoping to get some good ideas here on SN. Please share as much or as little as you like.
  1. What are your favorite ways to spend sats?
  2. About how much do you spend per month, directly in sats?
  3. What activities, if any, do you do to generate income directly in sats?
  4. About how much income do you generate monthly, directly in sats?
  1. Organize events where people can spend sats https://bitcoinnews.com/bitcoin-racing-challenge-wins-300k-sats/
  2. Always too many sats
  3. Provide content and earn tips in sats
  4. All revenue is sats
For myself, I participate by using bitcoin for:
  • All privacy services (VPN and encrypted email)
  • DEX transactions (buying and selling bitcoin)
  • Hardware (signing devices, nodes, mining)
  • Darknet (marijuana, psychedelics)
Average monthly spend/earn I won't say, but it's quite small, and come via routing fees earned from my LN nodes, and activities on Bisq
Builing a Full Node Building a Lightning Network Mine on Asics or with Nerd miner with https://bitronics.store/nerdminer/
Take only Bitcoin and Bitcoin Lightning for Sovran Systems.
For my Freedom website https://freeasabove.xyz only donations in Bitcoin Lightning.
For my private practice take Bitcoin and Bitcoin Lightning. https://drdustinplattner.com
Getting my friends to download wallets and use Bitcoin with each other.
Orange Pill folks by presenting on Bitcoin in the local Freedom communities here in SoCal.
Letss gooooo!!
I'm not a fed, or a surreptitious data harvester... I promise!