Oh that's interesting! So for the same user and Lightning Address sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't? Is it from the same Nostr client as well? Sometimes the set of relays can change between two clients, which could make the case for cause n°4.
I'm asking because in my own experience it's mostly a persistent issue, which can very often be attributed to cause n°1.
Thanks for the zap!
Only emphasizing that the payments have always been successful as far as I know. The issue is that sometimes it is not displayed on the nostr profile being zapped although most times it is. There is no pattern for nostr clients or nostr profiles:
  • it is intermittent for the same lightning address on the same client
  • it is intermittent for the same lightning address on different clients
  • it is intermittent for the same client on different lightning addresses
Okay, so probably some notes getting lost somewhere 😁