Since both Bitcoin and the Lightning Network are open systems, anyone can become a swap provider between onchain sats and LN sats.
Eventually, this means crazy strong competition, until swapping becomes somewhat of a commodity service and the price becomes pretty close to the cost of maintaining the swapping service. How low do you think this will be?
17 votes \ poll ended
Onchain fees will determine that
Correct answer. Speculation is the enemy of true understanding.
I hope ultimately it will be a purely p2p market where coincidence of wants happen at a sufficient scale to make it seamless. Nostr can help in that. If so, ultimately the main part of the fee would be routing and on-chain fees, since there are no middlemen anymore.
But I don't think fee will sustainably go anywhere below 0.01%. That's already quite cheap imo.
I read that the Bisq project actually has on its roadmap the development of P2P LN<>Onchain swap market. If the UX is nailed, and perhaps there are even programmatic APIs so that other apps can integrate, it would be awesome.
Yep. I don't know where they're at with this, it's been a long time since they announced it. But I think they need to rework the whole thing first.
In the meantime Peach already added this feature.
That's just awesome that Peach has that.
No one uses it but it's available. Anyone can run a swap server and charge for swaps.