Play to earn is the future of gaming... It's just a matter of time before every gaming company integrates the Bitcoin lightning network...
The P2E that I've seen so far is ... watch some ads, the P2E platform gets paid for those and you get a tiny little fraction of that ad revenue.
And Pay-to-Play-to-Earn (e.g., Axie Infinity) are worse!
Trouble is probably that most gamers are children and integrating lighting wallets in children's games is both illegal and immoral.
Ads in children's games should be considered worse than giving them money.
Totally agree. But monetizing their games isn't exactly "giving" them money, either, is it? It's a complex problem. All those grinder games are pretty immoral, in and of themselves, if you ask me. Now imagine placing a price tag on that. I'm sure there's a benevolent way to do that, but based on the last 10 to 20 years of exploitative behavior in the gaming industry, I seriously doubt that their first move would be benevolent.