Gary just wants to give you more stacking time. He is a man of the people.
Champion of the people.
i do appreciate it very much
I don't know that much about the SEC and all this tradfi stuff but I wonder if we will see a decision before the 2024 election. Seems to me that Gary is more about his career than anything. Wondering if he is just biding his time. What I mean is if it seems like there will be another 4 years with the blue team in charge maybe he waits. If it starts to look like the red team he approves it. Who knows. It does seem unlikely to me that Blackrock gets turned down. Maybe Gary is stacking himself... OR maybe it is just that the SEC is so incompetent that it juts takes them a long time.
i definitely think it'll come before the next election, but would love to be wrong to stack more!