Thank you for the reply!
Agreed, it's the "itchy fingers" that can be the road to ruin (guess this is where the hard work mentality/ethic of building becomes the destination, rather than taking it out on your poor stack)
We have all been there. I day traded commodity futures for a year back in 2011 when I took a year off after a contract job ended. I was supposed to take the year off growing my business (I did a bit) but I mostly degen day traded and travelled.
I have participated in markets for 20 years now, and at least for me, all the wealth I have obtained has come from long term equity in high quality assets (blue chip stocks like apple, real estate, and bitcoin). I have never made any sustainable money trading.
I hear you, I see it frequently with traders who amass quickly to then lose it even quicker.
In my instance, I spent a lot of time with this friend of mine (myself with a few 100 at a time, himself towards 700k), they made it sound easy and a cake walk. Alas, liquidations galore and a shrug of the shoulders as their reaction was all that happened. Rough.
Hope your now enjoying some reward for that hard work!