You're disconnected from reality

If you think just because Bitcoin exists that means the rest of the world is gonna stop working you're not thinking clearly.

Bitcoin doesn't give a flying shit about the trillions of dollars of trade that move around due to large corps working in conjunction with big banks

And the Bitcoin financial software stack is not nearly ready enough to handle a fraction of that trade capacity.

Try stepping outside your narrow echo chamber view and see what's really happening

Fiat currency is literally going to zero. What will "banks" have to "bank" when all there is is bitcoin? I think your viewpoint is looking at the short term. Of course banks and fiat are going to continue to exist over the next several years. My view is the long term - hyperbitcoinization. Banks become obsolete and cease to exist
Looking at some of your other responses it's clear that you're just a dumbass/trolling. Hfsp bro