IIRC the bank details for the payer include a reference. Many payers don't support that. E.g. I can't instruct Airbnb to make a bank transfer with the specified reference, and they may require that the recipient's name match the name on my Airbnb account.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Reach out to us on support@bitwage.com with the subject: AIRBNB and we will give you all the information that you need for proper setup so that you can collect Bitcoin from Airbnb and/or rest sent to your bank acc as local deposit.
Depending on specific banking accounts and details you want to use, there are different scenarios. Airbnb for example, works without a problem. You can get paid in Bitcoin from Airbnb, without waiting for Airbnb to implement Bitcoin. Please take a look at: https://twitter.com/search?q=%40bitwage%20airbnb&src=typed_query I will extend the offer to you as well: reach out to: https://twitter.com/Bitwage privately so we see if there is anything else we could do for you. Would be our pleasure.