Mutiny has a few different strategies we are exploring. For one, we launched with lightning based subscriptions on day one. It doesn't give anyone much right now but we're working on a few features that will just ship to paid users or users that self host. These are a sort of loose paywall lock, since all of our wallet code is MIT FOSS.
But later will come more backend related services that will either be paid subscriptions or pay per use. Things like LSP related (right now Voltage is the LSP so we don't even make anything on routing or channel opens), or coinjoin / DLC related services.
And we're also building it like an SDK, so if it starts to become a node implementation people like to run for their own websites then we can do the heavy lifting and monetize through third parties too.
We are able to explore through different avenues because we aren't App Store locked like other wallets. We circumvent the store restrictions, not only on the 30% tax but also through accepting bitcoin as a payment method.
The idea of building it like an SDK is super amazing!