So there is the opportunity to exploit this.
I can put a bounty on something here on SN with 50,000 sats as the bounty, and you Kool aid drinkers will (collectively) spend hours and hours trying to earn those sats because you believe this 50k says to be a handsome prize, worthy of the s(not significant) investment of your time.
And I didn't even spend $15 for those sats.
And this phenomena is not just here on SN. Look at on as another exhibit of this. Clients are hiring workers and paying literally pennies (worth of Bitcoin, at today's exchange rate), yet getting dollars (of value) in exchange.
Just noticed a typo there ...
worth of the s(not significant) investment of your time
Should have been
worth of the (not insignificant) investment of your time
Typing with an on-screen keyboard really takes patience.
I'm pretty sure I took your meaning, when I read it the first time. Cheers
It's really not an exploit in the sense I think you're using it. Most of us want to see the Bitcoin economy grow, as well as expecting the $/sat exchange rate to grow. We're happy to do what seems like an excessive amount of work for sats that weren't super costly to you, because it's increasing Bitcoin adoption.
50k was a good choice of number to throw out, btw. I think it illustrates your point really well.