It sounds like they can learn statistics from the population to improve the products, without being able to see anyone's data.
Would you actually trust Apple that they not tracking my location of scanning photos?
Is this technology really private like NSA or Apple can't see my photos or location?
Not open-source. Not 100% trustiful.
No I don't
They want to dominate absolutely. Look at all their extras (headphones, chargers) with unique connections so they can take that market too.
Data is the new gold. And they have it
No idea. My left curve strategy is just to use Graphene, minimize big tech apps and then generally not have to think about it.
What is a left curve strategy?
Left side of the bell curve I think, like the meme. Embrace the grug brain and align yourself with the galaxy brains on the right.
I think with apple you are private to other applications but fully open to them. Graphene all the way.
Differential Privacy is super cool. Apple seems to be on the leading edge of practical implementation. Hoping it gets more widely used in apple devices and the broader ecosystem.
No. By running a corporation there’s a lot of compliance needed. And we know what kind of laws we have and the institutions that enforce them.
That being said, I trust Apple more than any of the other commercial actors.
Differential privacy is pretty old and as far as I know nobody really broke it, so if they didn’t put any backdoors in it, this looks legit.
They should open source all the code. And maybe use this to fix the damn keyboard:-)
Actually, It looks like it’s a public protocol:
This paper describes it in more details. It’s using zero knowledge proofs to reject invalid vectors without seeing them:
No. And I would prefer my device(if I had one of those apple products) to not consume battery to do all this data processing.
Why use an iPhone when you have Graphene?
What is the main privacy value of using Graphene instead of iOS?
I use both iPhone and Pixel with Graphene btw.
If using normal sim from T-Mobile/Verizon/etc, your phone is tracked even with Graphene.
I think they both send logs, but iOS ties some of them with AppleID? Ie is AppleID with real identity the main issue?
No. Happy over here with GrapheneOS.
Fuck Apple. Get Graphene
No. I am soothed by them telling me they care about my privacy and they have less reason to gather data than Google but I ultimately don't trust them.
Yep, much better business model than Google/Meta but they still need the data to make their expensive products work well for everyone. ML/data is the only way to do that at scale.
No. I don't trust them. The point is you have to trust them. The ideal relationship with a company like Apple is one where I don't have to trust them because I can know the state of my data and its security.
I will say Apple is better about security than Google as well as privacy but there is still too much trust required due to the closed source OS and their cloud applications. If you can't see the truth/reality you must trust them and I don't.
i don't trust apple at all