In no world can you say there are "plenty" but there is a presence. I agree that we can be constructive in our approach without trying to tear down existing movements, but we have to be honest with ourselves about representation. The percent of women in Bitcoin, compared to the men, probably make up like 10% of the demographic. Go to a random sampling of Bitcoin meetups around the country and you'll probably see 1 girl for every 10 guys that are there.
So far only crybaby complaints and negative ideas
How are you contributing to this discussion?
I’m pointing out that this is a total psyop
How is this a total psyop?
This op parrot is a troll and “lack of women in Bitcoin” is a marginalizing concept to make you feel bad about it.
Build it and they will come. There isn’t anything to do at Bitcoin meetups to “make them more appealing to women” except to keep building out the freedom tools that work for the people regardless of their gender.