I see many bitcoiners falling into a trap of getting all excited about some politician talking positively about bitcoin or crypto. Guys... this is what politicians do. Do you really think politicians have true values? Or is it more likely that they see a group of smart, engaged people with money that they can court? Don't get your eye off the ball. Bitcoin adoption is what is important. Not politicians. The politicians will become bitcoiners to get votes when they need the votes. Don't get it backwards. Politicians are talking about bitcoin because there are more and more bitcoiners to attract. That is the important thing here, not that politicians are gonna make bitcoin succeed. We don't need the politicians. They need us. And I for one don't care about any of these clowns. Our goal should be to make them irrelevant. We want them realizing they need us, we don't need them. Tick tock next block.
Couldn't agree more.
Marty Bent, as a guest, pointed out this trap to his host getting all exited about "political support for bitcoin" on a podcast not so long ago and I found that refreshing.
When even bitcoin podcasters start falling into this trap, I can't help wondering how much different they themselves are to politicians: saying what they think their audience wants to hear.
But what do I know about podcasting? Still appreciate their effort. (Mostly.)
honestly i don't even think they see a smart, engaged group of people with money. i think they see a bunch of potential single-issue voters.
which is fine i guess. you can't expect politicians to suddenly stop trying to dupe the electorate, it's their nature. but it is a little disheartening to see how well it seems to be working.
if i wanted an opinion on government issued, inflationary, un-backed currency, i would ask a politician. why on earth would i give two shits what they think about bitcoin? it has nothing to do with them, that's the whole point.
You are right. I should have said single issue voters. That's what they see. A vote. The real power is coming from those that are paying them not those that vote for them. If you don't understand that you haven't been paying attention.
Politics in general were created, and perfected by very Evil people. They have created words to make us believe we must be a part of it or we will be invaded and loose the freedom we never had anyway so we think we have to vote. Voting is not mandatory, also nothing ever gets better, the costs keeps rising, the number of homeless people keeps rising, the crime rate keeps going up, the pollution grows, new diseases mercilessly find there way to us, you get my point, am I lying? people actually believe they are helping, and securing what is best for them by giving in and voting. When you vote you are actually giving up all of your rights, and allowing these Evil people to have control over you and your offspring, your just handing it over because they told you to. Crypto should belong to everyone, and stay out of the hands of the ones who take everything from us. People your government doesn’t value your lives at all they hate you, they want you dead, and the want you to believe your death is what’s best for everyone, and most of you will kill your self’s so your inbreeding satan worshiping small brained political parties can save the world for the next generation there going to own. Dont use there crypto, don’t vote, don’t fund them, don’t donate to them they steel everything from you, don’t work for them or any branch that ties to them, don’t give them them your earnings, don’t watch them on the news, don’t acknowledge there existence. Let’s see what they do then, you know the answer. It’s not good that they want a crypto with their ignorant shit eating name on it, and it’s time for us to start talking openly with each other about the truth, it’s time for us to meet up and discuss the truth in the largest numbers possible. I love my family, I love my kids, I love my friends, I love people I don’t even know, and I care about there well being. Or we can sit back and let them murder us because they are!
I'll respect the positions of politicians only in cases where the lobby is illegal and corruption is prosecuted. Until then I consider politicians as corporate assets which unfortunately puts a lot of the government at corporate disposal. If you want to fix things, the people need to matter again. I'm not seeing a particularly positive way that happens unless bitcoiners start to organize and cleanse corruption.
In general, my view is "Politicians < __________".
Where I do feel some excitement that politicians are starting to talk about Bitcoin, is simply in awareness raising and increasing legitimacy with normies. For better or worse (usually worse), political campaigns are the only avenue through which many people hear about important social issues.
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Ah come on Darth. Can we get one of your memes?
it was a meme but the image links were broken then.
Ha! I knew it.