There are some different categories of critic that I think are worth following.
The most overtly anti Bitcoin critic out there who is intelligent is Nassim Taleb. Yes there’s a whole history there, and I think he’s driven by something personal with regards to his Bitcoin stance, but I will say that I still learn from him even when I disagree with him. His “black paper” made me realise even more deeply how immutable the Bitcoin ledger is - because it was probably the most sophisticated critique I’d seen, it got me to understand how he was misapplying ergodicity, and how Bitcoin is abstracted from the specific technology implementing it.
Then there are the skeptics who are well informed, not anti Bitcoin, but not promoting it either. George Selgin comes to mind here if you’re keen on learning about the banking system.
Then there is the type of critic who is pro Bitcoin in theory, but skeptical in practice because they think it has already been co-opted by Wall Street. Here I’m thinking of Ben Hunt if Epsilon Theory - check out his essay “In praise of Bitcoin”.
Finally, I think some of the best Bitcoin critics are Bitcoiners themselves. People who come to mind with good critiques of the tech, the ecosystem, and the culture: John Carvarlho; Shinobi; Pete Rizzo; Aaron van Wirdum.
I had to broaden the scope of your question to get some names - there really aren’t that many anti-Bitcoiners worth following!
Thank you, this was a terrific response and much higher quality than most