Should've used!
Any reason why?
It's a link shortener built on nostr
Cool, did not know that :)
I just took a butchers at that and realised I think I spoke to you on nostr earlier. Interestingly, because I opened the link on my mobile, when I tried to zap it I couldn't as it didn't open in kiwi browser (I'm still using brave browser because I prefer it over all).
I'm, for the first time actually considering a fairly strict diet. I'm one of those who for years has gotten away (on the surface at least) with being able to eat anything.
This week I'm going to try eating nothing but meat, eggs, cheese and berries. I'm also going to follow my daughter's lead and drink water more frequently. I'm not going to be too strict the first week, but I've got to adapt to reality as I get older.
The first two weeks I was thirsty as hell and drank a ton of water. Listen to your thirst, there is no need to drink water if you aren't thirsty, which you probably will be. Keep the berries to a minimum, they will just delay your fat adaptation. You might experience the so-called "keto flu", although I personally never experienced it.