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No, he just didn't boost it enough. If you click on the info icon next to boost it explains how it works.
5000 sats is equivalent to ONE weighted upzap from a maximally trusted stacker ... Boosted items compete with organically ranked items and on average organic items at the top of hot have the equivalent of ~20 such upzaps.
We should maybe increase the boost minimum to make this clearer.
As an example, the @ad running right now is using the exact same boost algorithm (nothing special or privileged ... we're posting it manually everyday with a feature that everyone has access to) but has a 100k boost so it's likely to stay on the front page nearly the entire day.
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It's the trust weights. Trust is hard to earn. It takes consistently zapping stuff other stackers like early (which is why we reward it). Most folks just don't zap (quite a few only do it when attempting to game the algo hence the need for trust at all) so they never earn trust.
The only problem with this (and it's a big problem imo) is that trust is opaque right now. I've explained how the algo works and how trust is earned but most people don't get it.
I'm going to be spending the next few weeks of my life giving us all personalized feeds and part of that will be figuring out how to make this understandable and transparent.
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@k00b and me discussed creating blog posts about SN internals, for example to explain in more depth how the trust algorithm works (including examples and such). I think this would help with questions like these :)
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