Whether any are a good follow, I couldn't tell you but names in a comprehensive anti-bitcoin list will include:
  • Frances Coppola (journalist, thus has economic incentive to be anti-bitcoin)
  • Peter Schiff (sells gold, thus bitcoin is a competitor in the store of value asset class)
  • Alex De Vries / @Digiconomist (central bank staffer, will spin whatever he can to persuade you that bitcoin mining is bad)
  • Cas Piancey and Bennet Tomlin, Crypto Critics Podcast
  • Tim Swanson / @OfNumbers
in addition to the usuals, published here:
And hundreds of authors who have published a "bitcoin is doomed / dead" article:
From Bitcoin Obituaries - "Bitcoin is Dead" Declared 400+ Times https://99bitcoins.com/bitcoin-obituaries/