How to become a business owner. How to become an investor.
They only teach you how to become an employee.
Schools are extensions of the industrial system. That system needed obedient workers. Who could do what they were told.
That system is still in place although we are not anymore in the industrial system. We are in the information system now.
They also don’t teach you anything about assets and liabilities.
Because you are actually their asset. This school system is thus tied to the Fiat system of banks.
Because you don’t know the difference between an asset and liability you buy a car the moment you graduate. You take a credit card to go on holidays you deserved. And you take a mortgage because you think your house is an asset.
All these are liabilities for you and assets for the bank.
So you become a worker, with liabilities in a Fiat world where the money is inflated.
This means your property rights are being taken away. Through money printing.
So all your labour in this system cannot be saved. The labour is like energy that leaks away from you. You have no battery to save it. Like the sun giving you energy but you have to keep working because you cannot save.
Then you find bitcoin. The perfect battery.
They won’t ever teach you about bitcoin.
I agree. When my eyes were opened to the fiat tyranny I became angry. What the U.S. and France in particular do to Europe is just another form of colonization. When that system is threatened they go to war, and when they want to expand the franchise, they go to war. This is the true center of power, the money printer. Without it, they must get consent.
I meant to say Africa, not Europe.