I am very lucky. I was born healthy to two loving parents that stayed together. I grew up in a safe, prosperous western nation that at least until recently respected the rights of individuals and had a sound rule of law. I have a wife, two great kids, an awesome dog, and a handful of close friends. Both my parents are still alive, we live seven minutes drive from them and see them twice a week. I own my own home, have no debt besides a small mortgage on my house. I owned a business that enabled me to work my ass off to get to a point I could sell it and slow down and spend more time with my family and doing other things besides working 60 hours a week.
So I have never won the lottery. I didn't find out about Bitcoin at $1 and buy 1000BTC forget I owned it and find it 10 years later but I am one of the luckier people on earth.
That is precisely what true luck looks like. Winning the lottery can't replace any of the most important things in life.