This could be solved by raising the cost of posting. Not viable at the moment probably because SN is still kind of a PoC (not in terms of the tech stack and implementation, but in the sense that the concept of value-for-value on the interwebs is cutting edge) and scaring away users would slow momentum significantly, but I do think that down the line the cost of getting my attention should be more than 1 sat. Or maybe this can be implemented in custom feeds - have people "bid" by deciding how much they pay to post, and people can set a filter to only show posts that put down more than x sats, or have been zapped more than y sats, etc. What do you think @k00b?
Totally. I also like the framing of paying for others' attention. It's all kind of fair game and I'm certain we've barely scratched the surface.
The filter, would that not just prevent any post from getting off the ground without the author boosting it first?
Eg filter posts by "show me all above 1ksats" you wouldn't see fresh 2minute old posts if that filter was applied. So many decent posts wouldn't get off the ground and would get lost in the sea of shit ones.
I consume posts chronologically and generally avoid the "hot" or "top" tabs. I would catch those posts, the same as I catch the stupid link-posts that the poster doesn't pay attention to.
Ah I see. I tend to consume via top or hot first and then if I have time I'll scroll through new so I hadn't considered how using only new (or mostly new) you have to wade through the quagmire of poor quality hoping to find something of value.
Your bid/filter idea seems like a great one to me