I support CTV however I am a little apprehensive about pushing the soft fork right now. Mainly I'm concerned about the vulnerability to CTV users if only a portion of the network adopts the soft fork. Does anyone have any insight into this?
If most of the miners adopt the soft fork, then it should be perfectly safe to use. The same goes for any soft fork unless I'm missing something.
Wouldn't it be like other soft forks, that that feature can be ignored by nodes that don't run the updated software and is only supported by a certain amount of miners and nodes.
I mean how many normies are actually going to be using CTV regularly, i would assume its only a fraction of transactions
That's true, Segwit took forever to get adopted by large portion of the network right? That seemed to have turned out okay. I doubt 100% of the network has upgraded their nodes to Taproot yet.