Absolutely. If you post a link you should post a comment with your thoughts on the article. (Guilty of not doing so sometimes, but I'll endeavour to do so going forward). And then ask the community what their thoughts are or if anyone can elaborate on a concept you didn't understand.
Perhaps our current format of posting links has some room for improvement. Currently it's title, link. Click post. Perhaps we should move to a title, link, discussion box, click post. Format @k00b what do you think? Perhaps adding a 3rd field to fill in would stop link spamming and force (at least the poster) to open discussion. Whether they get discussion is then up to the community.
I guess it has to do with this site essentially copying the format of hacker news, a website I've never used. I encourage the change though because this isn't hacker news.
If you've spent time on nostr or r/cc you'll find a lot of users just link spam hoping for zaps/upvotes for moons or whatever. It is lazy honestly. But I don't think it's a problem unique to SN. I think it's a problem with rewarding people for posting on social media. Cast your net wide enough, you'll catch fish.
that's why i hope this site would take a note from reddit, and allow us to make our own substackz. :)