Lightning apps are EASIER to use than PayPal and CashApp. And they don't require you to give them your bank account, or ID. And like those apps, lightning is an analog for the base layer, except lightning Bitcoin actually exists, and PayPal dollars are just FIAT.
Well, I think non custodial LN wallets are not easier. Learning about backups and being responsible for yourself without a customer support when you fuck up is def nothing for a lot of people.
Also, basic bitcoin layer 1 wallets are as easy as CashApp or PayPal. They simply don't offer all the different services those centralized FIAT companies do.
You brought up PayPal and CashApp. I compared lightning to them. They are custodial financial services. Give me an example of a non-custodial financial service and I can try to compare Bitcoin to that.
Of course there isn't. But non custodial bitcoin is one of the main selling points of btc, that's why I mentioned it. Do you think no matter how crappy the UX of a non custodial app is, we can't compare it to traditional financial services because they are custodial?