your answer is not "correct"
and if you're gonna be wrong, at least be humble about it.
I am correct.
Liquidity Divisibility Fungibility Transportability Verifiability
Equities are a vastly superior pseudo-monetary asset to gold or property and it's not even close. Moreover, in a world in which sound money is something that cannot emerge (I am imagining not just bitcoin not existing, but some alternate laws of physics that make anything other than fiat impossible), you can expect the monetary premium of equities to asymptomatically increase (so gold & property at best may sometimes achieve store of value parity). In fact, the equities may become such an excellent pseudo-money, that people may even seek to denominate a portion of their wages, and other supply chain contracts (composite currencies).
Jurisdictional arbitrage would lead to the counterparty risks not being as unworkable systemically as one might think -- the reason investment flocks to America is rule of law and protection of private property. Obviously, I don't think this is acceptable to compromise individual rights (not that this is even viable) and many atrocities would occur. I only describe it to highlight that even a dystopian world would be productive rather than facing a doomer style collapse. In fact, the productivity gains would likely exceed the accelerating losses from destruction of liberty, paralleling what we have seen in past decades, and growth would continue outside of the edge case of sudden fertility collapse.
Not to mention, in holding equities rather than gold/property in this scenario, you actually are exerting your will on the world i.e. you are truly alive. Gold/property would be opting for exit over voice, but an exit to an insular life, not to some other, greater world. The climate alarmist wants no carbon, which has the logical conclusion of suicide for "minimal impact". It may be a slippery slope to be a true maximalist of absolute zero counterparty risk that also ends in suicide, for even if you live in total isolation off the land in the Alaskan wilderness, you are "trusting" no nation will be incentivized to ever hunt you down and kill you. If you take your own life, nothing can ever be taken from you.
(Not sure how my initial comment ended up here as a reply, meant it to be a top level response @k00b -- sure, my fault, but maybe something to be aware of -- threading and indentation is very subtle on dark mode.)
i appreciate the elaboration
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i only entertain ideas, not egos. Not much of a spectacle if the latter starts to take over
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you werent around for his self-pumped Swan fud from not too long ago
It's just that and a classic negative "higher than thou" energy that some bitcoiners exude
Ok, douchebag, we already went over that. Someone actually did sent me 100k sats because I am calling out things that should be called out.
It's not FUD if it's true. Would you say people "FUD shitcoins"?? 🤡🤡🤡
Sorry, were you just looking for trite answers GPT3 might provide to your questions? I am not part of "your community".
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Some people's allergic response to fiat is stronger than others'.
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i do wonder too