I got this message now, and not sure how comes... "you lost your cowboy hat After 1 day, you left your trusty cowboy hat in the saloon before leaving town. You'll need a replacement for the long journey west." What I've missed...?! 🤔 Thanks!
It's an inside joke.
It is PoW :). You need to keep pressing that ligthning bolt :). it is not a permanent honor, you need to work for it.
Gotta figure out how you got it and then you can get it back… it doesn’t just magically appear. You really shouldn’t head west without a hat….
Interact & tip you'll soon get it back
What do you mean by "tip"?! I don't see any button for tipping and that spark on the left takes 100 sats every time I push it! 🙈
You can change the amount if you think its too much.
That is a tip (or zap)
I lost mine after a 5 days streak! It's an Easter egg, so it's fun to find it without knowing where to get it. Just keep zapping!
Keep zapping... I have to learn this too. Bad to be novice here but this is who I am on SN. Couldn't find some quick guide here on how to use it! But I will dig to find out. Thanks!