There are better ways to do that without changing the LN spec in a way that makes it less useful.
Nostr specifically has a number of things in draft that are massive improvements over LNURL and completely trustless, but no NGO money or spook influencers want to advance grassroots things.
The absolute state of Bolt12 proponents is that anyone who is against it automatically gaslit as someone against improvement of UX or decentralization.
The opposite is true. We don't want worse UX and more centralization which is all Bolt12 can offer.
How does nostr help if the recipient doesn't already use nostr? I want to hand someone a piece of paper that allows them to receive LN funds that are not accessible by a 3rd party, and I want it to be easy to generate these pieces of paper, fund them, and recover funds if recipient does not move them.
How does Bolt12 help if they don't already use Bolt12? It's new companion software all the same.
Instead of an offer code that uses some dodgy onion network, an offer that uses nostr keys and relays as transport.
The user doesn't have to have a nostr profile, just their wallet or node software would use it directly.
This is a more sane use of nostr than fake twitter anyway.
Conversely, you could give out paper tips that contain your nodes public key, a secret, and relay... and the person receiving the tip gets it from you directly.
No servers needed, the relays already exist and are compatible with SSL so it works on the web too.