Pull request for drive chains, possibly the biggest change in bitcoin's history.
IMHO two issues remain:
  1. From a user POV the game theory starts off stable then quickly becomes unstable when you plug in real world values. Therefore, there is a chance that participants will lose the coins they lend to the miners, due to the much weaker security of drivechains.
  2. While DC has the good idea of trying to deter reorgs due to tail emissions and preventing a the need for the fork. It comes at the cost of any of the 256 coins blowing up and then spreading up to the main chain, which would require a fork too, to put right. So instead of one vector for a fork, there would be 256.
Consequently, I dont think drivechains are ready to merge. Some changes to the concept to improve the security, and to limit the risk of a fork could see it, or something like it, become part of the bitcoin eco system, in the future.
... possibly the biggest change in bitcoin's history
I'm certainly not technical enough to know how big this is, but I've seen enough posts lately about drive chains to sense that I should try and understand more about what's going on.
For those in the know: is the debate about drive chains in any way comparable to the block size debate of 2016/17 in terms of scale, importance, potential "war", etc?
Or is this just normal core devs debating that I'm just more aware of this time round? I see (for example), that @petertodd doesn't like luke's approach. But is this cause for concern, or just healthy debate?
Genuinely just curios to know.
Nah this is Layer 2 Labs paying Luke-Jr to refactor the code, and an army of paid shills for drivechain. Guarantee in 1 year this is forgotten when Layer 2 labs runs out of money.
It's not. It's just a solicitation for review of his approach. People are volunteering NACK's because they can't read, and did not read the post, like they do with drivechain.