It's our secret weapon as a biological society on our planet, it's enabled us to cooperate at massive scales and dominate the landscape.
You can literally "move mountains" today, with sufficient willpower and buldozers and dynamite, shoot it from orbit if necessary. With money you can now move mountains. We have reached a technological competence to do significance impact to ourselves and our inhabitated environment. When someone came up with the "move mountains" meme, that was literally the hardest thing that could be imagined and used as a reference point.
Money stands for the trust between people, it should allow them to cooperate freely We should use this money system for good, for mutual progress of our species. We don't know how old it is because all archeological findings we made showed signs of an accounting money-like system. So it's for certain in the 1000s of years old. Yet for a few hundred years the system has been taken captive and weaponised against people by an ever-growing controlling clan around the world, and while most of us can sense something is not quite right, many can't really put their finger on it due to misinformation and a lack of education and curiosity. The forced lack of education regarding money in the public schooling system is also telling of the intentions and a cause of all the ignorance.
Getting to know bitcoin is like stepping in another dimension altogether, maybe this is why it's hard for many people to grasp it. The educators in the space should talk more about the deeper implications of pretty much radical change to our underlying money-based value-transmission system, it would spark up more interest in people and deep-thinking. We need something like another 10 of Andreas Antonopoulos, from different cultures, and people will start to understand what's going on.
Part of the beauty of the system is that it's completely in people's hands whether they choose it or not, by design it's so impossible to mess with it that the established ruling class (you name it, dictators, big corporations, clans, all the strong people) can only sit from the sideline and use scare tactics. Arguably the best thing Satoshi did with the project is vanish and remain anonymous. Due the magnitude of the change and the many many powerful people directly messed with, he would have for sure become either corrupted by force or a martyr. Think of the Internet revolution which restructured the news, video and audio industry, transportation... Those were the little fish, it's now the bankers and government monopolies, it's a whole other league, this time it feels like the final boss for an arcade game.