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Have you guys tried the Bitcoin Company.
You can purchase gift cards for various merchants and get sats back. Kind of like fold but you can pay in Bitcoin via onchain or lightning.
I just bought $100 in gas gift cards, got 1.6% sats back paying with Bitcoin (not the greatest rewards back but it's gas cards, will be used in a week). I immediately bought 100 bucks in bitcoin back after the transaction.
Check it out if you haven't already.
And you can autowithdraw the rewards to stacker news
That's awesome. I didn't know that.
Anyone attempting to live on Bitcoin should be using these guys.
I have only used a couple times so far but very good service. Seems you have to wait a bit for sats rewards if you pay by credit card due to potential charge back but got rewards immediately when paying with Bitcoin. Pretty awesome.
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Here's the link, in case anyone's interested: https://thebitcoincompany.com/
Simply posts link, stacks 500+ sats
Good name
Very cool! Always lookin' for new ways to save & be frugile, earn, etc.
Nothing wrong with it!!!
Here's another one you may like. I have earned A LOT of Sats back on MANY purchases around the web!
https://satsback.biselliano (and Yes! nothing wrong with referrals! I get Sats Back % for referring you - you receive the same opportunity!)
Yes, and it sucks. I like Ben, but it's a really awful awful product, especially if you ever used PayWithMoon, which was fantastic, and makes it obvious just how bad it is in comparison.
Like most bitcoin startups, this company has no raison d'ĂȘtre
Pay With Moon no longer exists. Yes the experience is worse but TBC isn't at risk of being shut off like they were
Have they confirmed they aren't coming back and are no longer trying to find a new banking partner?
Perhaps if the gimmicky gift cards had not been a focus, screenscraping could have been implemented to make the UI/UX on visa cards not garbage. @grayruby, paywithmoon was very slick, extremely fast and easy to use when spinning up new cards, along with ability to delete cards and carry a USD balance that can then be added to a new card (on tbc, you just get screwed out of small remaining balance on cards). To use TBC, you have tons of clicks to get past the gimmicky junk, and then you get redirected to a 3rd party website where you have to enter a number... it is so convoluted, it is basically a LARP to use.
They had a 0.6% spread last I checked -- my guess is it is worse now, not better, as that was before November 2022. PayWithMoon was spreadless and managed to profit from the interchange fees so they could afford offering true 0 fees.
Thanks. I will keep an eye out to see if paywithmoon comes back and try them out.
What was the difference?
They were directly partnered with a bank issuing cards vs tbc uses 3rd party issuers
Similar to the Fold card?
Why is it awful? The app looks good. It was easy to find what gift cards are available and the rewards offered for them. I had no problem with the payment processing. I did onchain because I didn't have $100 worth of sats in my lightning wallet. It settled no problem. I got card and rewards right away.
Was a good experience in my book.
I have never used PayWithMoon but I will check it out.