This one made me pause. Not governments, not war, not anything else or Quantum computing. The person said that it will most likely be human error by Bitcoiners that break the network.
(Don't know who the quote was from. Tag it if you know plz. It came up Ina recent convo and the person didn't attribute the source.)
Ps: the convo was re: Drivechain and BIP300/301
Do you mean the most likely thing to break bitcoin is a bug introduced by the programmers? Or do you mean malicious action by network participants? (or both? A design flaw that enables malicious action)
I don't know the source of the quote and am trying to find it. But I think the person meant either. It won't be like a government crack down or a larger scale force... it'll be like you suggested an event initiated by a person or small group of people that tank the whole thing via a bug or nefarious actions.
yes. Bitcoin can only die if we lose interest. Lets look for second best thing... THERE IS NO SECOND BEST
bitcoiners are likely to break a lot of other things before they get to breaking bitcoin.