Hah. Show me one element of the mass of society that isn't being controlled and creamed by psychopaths taking advantage of people's weakness and trust, and I will show you a unicorn.
There is fraudsters, abusers, robbers, liars, poisoners and murderers running amok on this planet everywhere, nearly completely unchecked.
When people say, "Bitcoin fixes this" what they mean is that because these exploiters can't control the supply, they can't position themselves to have a privileged position at the spigot of the money supply increase. Without this power, they can't leverage the people who seek a better social position to act as their agents covertly and overtly.
It's at the centre and why you have to preload with "finance" because it is central to the networks of power who keep the psychopaths protected, ensure that people don't learn to defend themselves.
In the end, the best thing you can do, apart from using Bitcoin, is to be extremely fervent in your refusal to do business with the psychopaths that are empowered by the networks of psychos whose exploitation of this central vulnerability.
Every psychopath you deny access to your energy is one who cannot use that energy against you and others.
Just walk away. Whatever it takes.