Nobody profits from inflation except the fiat cantillionare class.
In purchasing power terms the best you can hope for is to MATCH inflation, ie: Smart delivery drone company grows in value 5% in absolute terms- which means as an investor you need the stock to track 10-15% higher to keep up with inflation and reflect growth.
It would be better to have sound money and your stock goes up 5%
Nobody profits from inflation except the fiat cantillionare class.
First of all: what's up with the communist vocabulary?
Second: Are you aware how low the amount of assets is to have more increase in their value than the decrease in value of your income/fiat savings? Since you're presumably a Bitcoiner there is a good chance you're one of them
Nice attempt at identity politics there. CLASS isn't "communist vocabulary" it's a word that describes groups of people in social structure. In this case: I used it to describe the absolute PARASITE bankers and politicians who steal our economic value through inflation.
And if I'm understanding your question correctly-
You are completely ignorant to the true nature of inflation.
The "low the amount of assets" is more than 100% of your assets. There is no escape from inflation while valuing your assets in the inflating currency.
Here is US stock market data since 1915 (2 years after FED act) Start value in 1915: 1,681 End value in 2023: 35,559
Stock Market cumulative rise in value: 2,015%
Here is the inflation of your precious US dollar: In 1915 you purchase an item for $1, then in 2023 that same item would cost $30.27
US Dollar cumulative INFLATION: 2,926%
Inflation 2,926% > 2,015% stocks
I just noticed in your earlier comment you said: "Maybe you're unfamiliar with it if you come from a lower class background." -yet you are arguing that somehow you are "profiting from inflation" if you own some stocks or real estate..... so who's the communist here exactly?