Yeah, people think Lightning is private. Back when Cashu (the ecash implementation) was coming out, people were like... "But Lightning is already private?" And of course the Lightning they are probably using is custodial, so it's doxxed to the wallet... Of course, a thing about Lightning is it needs an "active surveiller", and there is no "forever record" so I think its kind of different than the onchain data that you can get arrested 5 years later for, its somone routing/surveilling you NOW that's how they get ya on Lightning. (Which is a thing, chainanalytics company Chainanalysis DOES surveillance, and the only way to do this IS to be a participant; a router.) I will say the rise of Mutiny is a very good sign. Those guys who ended up making Mutiny (along with Evan from Zeus) put out a website/research piece called which got the ball rolling with people thinking about this stuff. But there is some wiggle-room as Lightning CAN be more private than it currently is. So far, wallets have optimized for reliability (actually working). In the future, once we have that more under control, we can have payments take paths that optimize for privacy, which is something i heard Mutiny hopes to do.