Got inspired by (Nat Friedman) writings what he believes in and asked ChatGPT to rewrite them as Bitcoin maxi:
With what you agree or disagree?
Reshaping the Financial Universe: As human beings, it's our right to reshape the financial universe according to our preferences. Bitcoin is the tool that enables this.
Technology as Liberation: Blockchain technology, a form of knowledge, empowers us to break free from traditional financial systems.
Raising the Ceiling: Focus on the potential highs of Bitcoin's value and utility, rather than worrying about its lows.
Enthusiasm for Decentralization: Passion for a decentralized financial system matters; it's easier to advocate for something you believe in.
Big Moves Over Small: It might be easier to make significant changes in the Bitcoin ecosystem than minor tweaks.
Energy Input: The computational energy required for Bitcoin mining is a necessary input for progress.
Speed is Essential: Rapid adoption and development are crucial; slow progress is a luxury we can't afford.
Time-Sensitive: Every week that passes is a lost opportunity for mass adoption and improvement.
Efficient Market Hypothesis is Flawed: Bitcoin proves that markets aren't always efficient; it offers opportunities where traditional financial theories fail.
Questioning the Status Quo: Many existing financial beliefs are wrong; Bitcoin forces us to ask the right questions.
Micromanagement in Protocol: (Not sure if I agree whit this one) The cultural aversion to micromanagement is harmful; Bitcoin's protocol should be meticulously managed for optimal performance.
Empowering Individuals: Bitcoin allows individuals to exercise their financial judgment without interference.
Excellence Over Avoiding Mistakes: The goal isn't to avoid volatility or mistakes but to achieve unparalleled levels of financial freedom.
Smaller, Agile Teams: Decentralized systems allow for faster decisions, fewer meetings, and more innovation.
IQ Over Staffing: Many blockchain projects could be more efficient; they are often overstaffed and under-intelligent.
Dopamine Sources: Are you driven by the validation of traditional financial systems, or do you get your dopamine from disrupting them?
Limitless Potential: Don't underestimate what you can achieve with Bitcoin; the only limits are those imposed by the laws of mathematics and physics.
What would you add?