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Me? Something in between but lean rural
Something in between37.9%
Don't care5.2%
58 votes \ poll ended
Dammit I responded from the wrong account again. I knew this dual account was going to mess me up.
What I was trying to say from the NFL account before I realized I was in the NFL account, was try to find a town that is a tourist destination or known for something that brings money to the town.
I live in a ski resort town and we have many amenities that are similar to a small city even though we only have 20,000 people. It is a trade off because peak winter and summer season can get pretty busy but that increased activity brings people, capital investment, business opportunity and jobs to the area. So it is worth the trade off.
My suggestion is find a town by a lake where upper middle class people like to retire and enjoy life. We are lucky because we have both the lake and the ski hill.
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Might be a bit pricier than what I was getting at but yeah that's a good example of the idea. At least for me anyways.
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Never know.
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I get better faster when I’m around a lot human brains with similar interests.
I think the fantasy is to convince a tribe of your people to move somewhere rural together. That’s impractical for larger tribes so somewhere in-between is what we’re left with.
is already happening... El Zonte :) El horiZonte
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I prefer walkable cities. Being able to pop down to the grocery store to pick up something real quick is quite nice
Urban in accumulation phase, rural in spending phase a.k.a. retirement.
I think with young kids its better to go rural. When they grow up they are likely to go urban IMO.
Both have their benefits & disadvantages. Either way if there's no (or low) tax & its reasonably safe I wouldn't mind if its a city or small town.
Rural 100% I guess it depends on age. When you young (18-30) you prolly gravitate to crowds in urban setting, when you starting having kids and Fam and home, there is nothing better than quiet rural town or village. Providing you can do your job from anywhere. If not, you go where job will take you.
I definitely enjoy spending time closer to the nature: clean air, lots of green, natural water, mountains... Simply amazing :) For me the perfect location to live in would be outskirts of a small town with access to an airport/train hub (about 100k ppl). In my experience, that's good enough to have multiple groups with various activities and interests in the town, while still being able to live clean and relax from civilization from time to time
I'm urban which suits me with a young family being close to amenities and extended family support but I would love rural in a few years to create an off grid self sufficient permaculture style homestead. Increasing Government overreach and privacy restrictions is making me want to find as many ways as possible to gain self sovereignty. As the fiat system collapses society will continue to degrade as it has done in the past many times, and a self sufficient rural lifestyle will hopefully circumvent some of those issues. Plus I want the peace and quiet.
Better food. Less woke minded people.
This answer was for Rural.
Even better than just rural is friggin remote af.
vague question. you're asking where i live or where i want to live?
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