Trolls love to twist the meaning of freedom of speech to assert that we should "grow thicker skin" and "ignore" without the assistance of this amazing filtering machine called a "computer".
I even saw one the other day unironically claim that smart phones are "very useful tools" and that there must be something wrong with you if you don't want to use them as they are.
What are the trolls going to say now about freedom of association then?
It is not denying another freedom of speech to not download and render the textual garbage on an individual basis.
And it's certainly not a difficult thing to implement, devs. Utter bullcrap because the primary processing done by these web apps is literally filtering using a positive filter, "include this" is only one different literal operator in the code to "exclude this".
I even had the developer of Coracle reply to a post I made about this subject, literally saying it can't be done.
Is the sky red now too?

mad cos bad

cry harder


n g m i



