My wife prefers M$ for all the included templates and models which are lacking in LibreOffice. I'm a long time Linux user and I'm coming from an era where I used StarOffice, then OpenOffice. Around 2010, Oracle acquired OpenOffice, and I noticed developers were quitting Oracle and fork it to create LibreOffice. OpenOffice was poorly maintained. To all my family, friends and collegues, I had to tell them to switch from OO to LO. At that time (2007-2008), I followed with passion the OOXML debacle with M$ paying for fast-tracking it's fake 'document standard' for ISO certification. I would even refuse to open attachment if they were docx file, asking for the sender to save it as odt. It has come a long way, but the compatibility for OOXML document is far more better than years ago. Nowadays all this story is long forgotten and we got young people using WPS Office. The battle goes on with OnlyOffice vs Collabora Online for online replacement as Officee365 or Gdocs.
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