New key = new profile at this time.
I can’t wait for the logic of LnPass to make it mainstream. Where one master public/private key path can chunk-up parts of your identity into child pairs. And layers beyond.
The experience on Alby for example on a new site should be to “do you want to create a new key?” rather than using the same one over and over. A key for social, for finances, for health, for moon memes, for family photos. Or every web domain known. Otherwise we’re creating a honeypot of npubs.
Social layer like Nostr is different to Bitcoin I guess. With Bitcoin if you think your keys are compromised / may have been exposed you can just sweep them to a new wallet.
I don't know how it could work, but it is almost like I want to be able to "sign a transaction" with the old keys that references the new keys and from then on the new keys are the ones that are valid etc. Even if old keys are then compromised they don't have the authority to sign etc