Definitely a few points I agree with here and I can see the incentive to not have kids, if you are tied to a certain lifestyle and your idea of maintaining that lifestyle is through consuming less, so if you have x income and you see it declining you don't want to have less by sharing it another human
I can definitely see this in the educated/middle-class who have 1 or no kids for the reasons you mentioned or they just don't think that it would be safe to raise a child here due to all the crime
I think there's a strong correlation not a general rule, like here in South Africa most people arent middle class or educated, many people have a bunch of kids even if they can't afford it, hoping one makes it and then drags the rest out of poverty, its like a lottery ticket, and the culture is kids are the pension funds.
You invest what you can, try to get the kid an education, they are your savings vehicle and you're hoping for one of them to be a unicorn, its like a VC model. Some might not make it big but all that have an income are encouraged to give back through what we call the "black tax"