Using Proton Unlimited is a better way to improve Privacy. You can use the VPN Wireguard profiles on Router level (TOR configs available too), use SimpleLogin Aliases which is included to PGP encrypt mails, have a secure Mailbox with own client, a Password Manager (i prefer others who work offline) and you have encrypted Cloud drive.
By the way - Private Relay can be turned of in iCloud for Mail and in the Settings of Safari, Wifi connection and mobile connectoon!
On top set up a NextDNS Profile and set it up in your Router. DNS over HTTPS or TLS preferred.
Thus way you can use also Orbot ans the TOR Browser.
To get sure i would disable mobile data and enabke airplane mode to prevent packets get routed outside the tunnel.
I love those tiny travel routers from GL Inet that make the setup very easy and allow to block non von traffic, set up custom dns and much more.
I do not trust apple anymore sending all my data through their services.
And all sensitive stuff just touches my Google Pixel with Geaphene that don‘t depend on a controlled AppStore and cut iff all spyware.