Thanks for a detailed response, I've never thought about it like this
Agreed. What a VPN is useful for is to link 2 networks together. So many people use VPNs for work without knowing it (the little Cisco button which says connect or disconnect at work). It allows to access data forbidden to access from outside, to connect to a server, etc. Outside of work, it is very useful when you travel. I don't use Netflix but many services track you with your IP address so VPNs are very useful for that. To buy a plane ticket, let's say to see the Great Pyramids, if you connect to Cairo it will/may be cheaper. You can access blocked websites, blocked for political correctness, unblocked with a VPN. The downside I guess is your ip address will likely be detected as being used by a bot.
A good answer for anonymity could be to use Tor instead of a VPN.