‘Information technology turned into this brutal deflationary system, where whole data sets, universities, libraries, etc, got crammed into ever shrinking hard-drives, executed by ever shrinking silicon, and complex software. Cables, wires, and waves allowed this creation of information overabundance to scale to light speed, settling instantly, at near zero cost – or whatever it cost to send an email.’
Whilst I completely agree with this appraisal I was thinking about libraries - a great upskiller and educator of many people through the 19thC in US and Europe. The information was free, along with many courses etc, and abundant but it took effort to locate. The journey of finding engaging with information required effort and it’s time investment made it worthwhile and appreciated. Free 5hit seems unappreciated and undervalued as it has not necessarily been earned by the user.
Apologies for jumbled thoughts - still thinking this through.
Interesting. It reminds me of something my grandfather once said:
"The internet is a telecom scam sold to people too lazy to visit their local library."
I just realized what you said is what he meant. I hadn't thought about that. He wasn't opposed to tech and his "pill moment" was when he downloaded a rare manual to fix an old motorcycle. Interesting. Kind of laughing over here. Good counterpoint.
Smart grandpa
Absolutely. ‘Ain’t no free lunch’ - you can find and download the manuals online but it takes some work to use them. Sometimes we seem to have a society with free downloads and no drive to use them.