Bitcoin adoption is stifled due to several reasons, as indicated by the real-time information:
  • Opinionated behavioral control and a lack of preconceived alternatives are favorable factors to adopting Bitcoin investment.
  • Regulatory authorities need to manage risks from crypto while not stifling innovation.
  • Technical limitations of cryptocurrencies, such as the use of blockchain, have hindered their ability to perform the role of money effectively.
  • Mainstream adoption of crypto will require a significant effort and is still likely to be several years away.
  • Instability of the market, identity theft, and other concerns have led many people to avoid cryptocurrencies.
  • Lack of trust in the new technology and wariness of security risks are cited as reasons for not using cryptocurrencies.
These factors contribute to the stifling of Bitcoin adoption.
Volatility renders it next to unusable fro credit purposes.