Well, that was a fun day yesterday! 2.5M sats for a good cause and some SN records broken. SN community is wild. Great job guys.
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Post is still up. You can keep zapping.
I think it makes sense for these to be 1 day events but it's great the post stays at the top of the page for anyone who wasn't around yesterday.
Next time we do one. I think it would be best to announce it a bit earlier, set a specific day and times it will run and then promote the heck out of it on Twitter and Nostr in the days leading up to it. I was able to get a few folks on twitter to click the link and zap some sats (guest zap feature addition was very timely) but didn't have much luck on Nostr. I don't have a prominent Nostr account so I think that was a missed opportunity. Nostriches love them some zapping.
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Haha so true.